Dr. Lorna Lueker Zukas
Associate Professor

College of Letters and Sciences
National University
11255 North Torrey Pines Road
La Jolla, CA  92037
(858) 642-8437 or lzukas@nu.edu

Lead Faculty Patient Advocacy


  • Ph.D., Sociology University of California, San Diego
  • M.A., Sociology/Social Impact Assessment California State University, Dominguez Hills
  • B.A., Sociology California State University, Long Beach

    The Center for Cultural and Ethnic Studies

    Sailor's Tales: Oral History Project Sailor’s Tales: Stories of San Diego’s Navy Community and the Naval Training Center

    The Center for Cultural and Ethnic Studies Past Events

    Males as Positive Forces Asian-American Forum Male Roles in Society; Mike Davis: Dead Cities; Eastern European Film;

    Personal Life outside the university: dream wedding ; love&laughter ; welcome to the family

    Summer Vacations: Alex, Kieran and the Bus; Uncle and nephew; Kieran and Dad working together; Kieran chopping wood; Kieran driving the tractor; Learning to shoot safely; He hits the can; Kieran with Aunt Donna; Father, son, sister and pie;


    Principles of Sociology

    Sociology 100

    On-Site and On-line

    Intercultural Thinking and Creativity

    Sociology 328

    On-line class

    Film and Society

    Sociology 336


    Gender Identity in a Global Context

    Global Studies 410

    On-line class

    Culture, Capitalism, and Technology in Modern World History

    History 320

    On-line class

    African Studies 

    History 349


    Cultural Diversity

    History 350

    On-stie and online

    Politics of Social Movements

    Political Science 320

    On-line class

    X: A Fabulous Child's Story