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This is the page for web links for relationships, careers, cosmetics and museums!  Lets take a detour before we go to meet our blind date at the museum!!!!!
{Electric} Lady Greek-T
THE JAZZ AGE IN PARIS, 1914 - 1940

The exhibition is organized by the Smithsonian Institution's Traveling Exhibition Service and the American Library Association.  It has been made possible through the generous support of the National Endowment for the Humanities.  However, the original version of this exhibition was developed by the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service and was made possible by Nissan Motor Corporation U.S.A.  The exhibition that you will see, in this mythological land, is a part of America's Jazz Heritage, A Partnership of the Lila Wallace-Reader's Digest Fund and the Smithsonian Institution.  This exhibition was designed and edited by the Office of Exhibits Central, Smithsonian Institution.

Featuring, Deborah Macanic, January 28th, 1999 in Room A-5, 6:30 p.m.  Ms. Macanic, the curator, of "The Jazz Age in Paris, 1914 - 1940," will present a slide Slide/Lecture show at the Martin Luther King Library, made possible through the Music and Recreation Division of the District of Columbia Public Library.  For more information, please call (202) 727-1126.
America gave birth to jazz, but Paris was the first to hail it as an art.

Social and historical factors influenced the flowering of the early jazz movement in Paris.  The United States infantry bands that played throughout Europe during World War I precipitated the Parisian mania for American jazz.  The syncopated rhythms of the 369th U.S. Infantry Band were shaped by its conductor, James Reese... Europe (1881-1919), a renowned New York dance band king.  Upon returning from France, bandleader Europe noted the popularity of the African American musical expression, saying that they had, "Won France by playing music that was ours and not a pale imitation of others..."

Many Arican American performers in Paris were cast in elaborate stage fantasies that conbined fragments of African and African American cultures.  These shows presented a ROMANTICized notion of Africa, equating it with primitive or savage existence.  Great performers such as Josephine Baker (1906-1975) were able to exploit such cliches to comic or aesthetic benefit.
Did you know that African American History month is observed in the month of February?
Did you know that the professional entertainers, The Back Street boys and the N'Sync performed and experienced success overseas (before coming back home to the USA).

Electric Lady, predicts that the Platinum group,
N'Sync will be as big or bigger than the singing sensation Jackson 5 (America) or the Beatles (Europe).
The 1999 schedule of Exhibition Sites are as follows:

January 7 - February 18th, 1999 in Washington, D.C. and Newport News, Va
March 4 - April 16th, 1999 in Gettysburg, Pa (college) and Columbia, SC (college)
April 29 - June 10th, 1999 in Cedar Rapids, Iowa and Lafayette, La
June 24 - August 5th, 1999 in Duluth, Minn and New Orleans, La
August 19 - September 30th, 1999 in Fargo, N.D. and San Antonio, Tex.
October 14 - November 29th, 1999 in Ann Arbor, Mich. and Houston, Tex.

For more information on other sites, for the coming New Year(s), just click!!!!
Stay tuned, for the mythological muse of comedy and idyllic poetry; the First lady of Grace, "THALIA" and check out some of the favorite sites:

Fine Parisian Artist, "Pierre B. Fine Art

Album of the Month(s):  DRU HILL - Enter The Dru
The three graces, which were also part of the ensemble of nine muses were walking in the cool of the garden.  And Aglaia (the muse of brilliance) presented a wonderful ideal to her sisters, the Daughters of Mnemosyne and Zeus, Thalia (bloom) and Clio (history).  So they all decided to arrange cyber dates in cyber land.

There was intriguing love, and everywhere the went they found it to be mystical and romantical.  And these are some of the museums where the muses placed there grace for everyone to enjoy and live happily ever after.  The End!
Although, there were many glorious, regal and galant conversations on among the nine muses, the graces, but "Thalia, and Clio (and Euterpre, too) and Aglaia (the brilliant one) discussed an idea."  And this is how it all went down.

They decided to arrange cyber-dates and tour the museum with the results, and these were a few of the museums:
Museum of International Folk Art,Museum of American Folk Art, Folk Art Society of America,and Intuit: The Center for Intuitive and Outsider Art.

Thanks for stopping by!  Please keep in touch!  Much love!  Peace!!!!!
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