
Caution!!! Hosed Gaelic Lessons Ahead!!

Awhile back,when word leaked out  that several Ladies of Lallybroch  (extremely hosed as they were) were lamely attempting to teach themselves Jamie's native tongue, there was an outcry from Lallydom.......LET'S ALL LEARN SOME GAELIC.   And so it began.......we, the *hosed* Ladies took turns posting some of the *hoseriest* Gaelic the planet has EVER seen!!!  The guilty hosers are:

Lady Rita
Lady Mercedes
Lady Valerie
Lady Debbie F.

Our disclaimer is as follows........we are TOTALLY non-fluent, but profess a deep and abiding love for the Gaelic language.  With that understanding........Let the GAELICKING BEGIN!!!!!!

Gaelic First Lesson 

Gaelicking....Holy Eve thru Hogmanay

A Gaelicking We Will Go

Gaelic Rules

Gaelickly Thankful

Gaelic Holiday Shopping

Gaelic Holiday Greetings

Gaelic Counting...1...2...3

Exchanging Gifts with Jamie

Gaelic Winter Wonderland 

It's All in a Gaelic Name ...Female 

More Gaelic Female Names

Gaelic Name Wavs

Gaelic Names ...Male

  More Gaelic Male Names

Gaelic ,Popcorn and Jamie

 Gaelic Spring  

Gaelic Star Gazing

Gaelic, To Be....or Not to Be..
Gaelic Wedding Toast 

Gaelic Wedding Vows

Outlander Gaelic 

Close Encounters of the Hosed Kind  

Gaelic Places