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 These pages of my Entre-Nous site are dedicated to all those on the journey with "the wolf" and the loved ones and acquaintances who share it.

    Tread carefully through the information and experiences here. We may travel separate paths but we are all in this together. One day, we will unravel the mystery.

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Author's Note 


My 'Sung< Manitu Tan Ka


 (The "Wolf" Between Us)

white wolf running

Systemic Lupus Erythematosis
The Disease of A Thousand Faces
My Journey with the "Wolf"



   What began with a single step and a "wolf" lurking in the shadows has become a daily jaunt, for years now, through arctic storms and beautiful pastures in this life.   

When I first heard the words, "I think you have Lupus," I felt many things. Bewilderment hit first. Sure, I heard the term before but knew little about it. Then I instantly recalled the sorrowful tone that usually accompanied it. Little did I know of the journey and the many hours of research ahead.

Welcome to the Path   

  With you, I share 'Sung < Manitu Tan Ka, my companion, our battles and lessons learned along the way.

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My 'Sung < Manitu Tan Ka,

my enemy, my friend.

Choose your destination

Reflections    The Betrayal  

The Match     Lessons of the Wolf

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   We can never know another person's journey until we have truly walked a mile in his or her moccasins. My encounter with my 'Sung Manitu Tan ka, the wolf within, is my own. Anyone who wanders this path will have a different account.

  The wolf has many faces. It is a glorious, intelligent, and loyal animal, at rest. However, when it stalks its prey, it searches for weaknesses. It seeks those damaged areas and takes hold.

  A jaunt with the wolf is rewarding and trying, arduous and peaceful, and always an adventure! With my 'Sung within, my quest never ends. We know little rest. Eternal companions, joined in this life through some mystical force, we sometimes, find peace. I believe we learn from each other. We test each other and share this dance called life.

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The Betrayal

   When I learned that the wolf symbolized lupus, I instantly felt betrayed. "How could an animal spirit I loved so dearly, turn on me, stalk me, and literally rip my body and life to shreds?" I wondered.  

   I couldn't even see this mortal enemy. I couldn't even fathom it was my enemy. Yet, when I looked into the mirror, its marks stared back at me. Its eyes were now my eyes- angry, red and jaundiced. I knew I had to face it, to look deep within.

  As I struggled to get my kidneys out of bed each morning, to overcome the daily fever of at least 101, the exhaustion that overwhelmed and the collagen peeking through the hair follicles, I knew I had to go on. I had to venture further. I was a medical student once. Surely, there had to be an answer!

....There was none, only more mystery.

    Once more, I felt betrayed. My native spirit called. I wanted answers. I wanted them now.

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   You see, I believe we know many things when we are born. From the very first, I felt three spirits with me. To them I was drawn, irrevocably.

The wolf

The bear

The eagle


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More Soon

peacepipe with stop the hate


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