Paul Andrew Anderson
Master Carpenter, Draftsman & Designer!
Journey Electrician, Mechanic & Plumber!
Inspector & Owner/Builder Consultant!
Eco-Village Designer, Off-Grid Developer!
Green-Collar! Alt-E Tech! Transit Advocate!
This is the Official Website for The Builder Guy: aka: The Green Collar Man! Welcome! Today is
and it's a great day to be alive, agreed?! I'm a former General Contractor (my first business license was in 64050 in 85; home builder). Aside from the trades, my other roles included: Superintendent, Project Manager & Estimator: I am now semi-retired from construction; I design, draft (plans), speak, inspect, manage, train/teach and consult. I am a Published Author! I'm a webmaster; build websites and other techie stuff! Email me; if you cannot: 515-441-9777!
Currently studying cutting-edge alternative energy systems to expand deeper into that arena; also writing a book on green residential renovations, and seeking others (producers, techs) who'd be interested in producing a related local cable show, centered on green-collar roles; even Intentional Communities! I'm an advocate, speaker and promoter for public transportation: I also use it! I'm working on a how-to booklet including a rating chart for Public Transit Systems!
I'm and advocate and participant in Neighborhood Revitalization Programs! I'm also into Lofts, historic home restorations, and familiar with contemporary retrofits and conversions! I'm also getting more into designing (and/or consulting) off-grid or stand-alone rural eco-friendly communities (IC's)! I'm looking for challenges that I have no "experience" doing. We are not what we have done, but what we are capable of doing! Talent is intrinsic; it cannot be learned over time!
I'm Independent; freelance, servicing home owners, property managers, Intentional Communities, business-owners or Real Estate Professionals, per inspection, by the hour or the assignment, for cash or trade/barter, as a:
A: Home Inspector (Includes comprehensive report w/photos)!
B: Public Speaker / Educator for Building, PT and the Environment!
C: Managerial: Owner/Builder Consultant/Advisor!
D: Designer/draftsman for Homes, Cabins, Additions, Renovations or Communities!
E: Installation Specialist of anything sold!