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(warning: site thrown together hastily, may suck at any moment)
my quick list of links to my favorite hardcore/punk/emo bands, labels, and events listings
(this site is for MY convenience not yours so you don't have to like it...)
my ex boyfriend

(clicky the monkey for neat links...but don't get happy with the clicky...the monkey is sensitive)
Pictures of Me When I Was Younger and Cuter
Much Younger
Only a Little Cuter
"In the Window"
I Was an Evil Little Thing
And I Wasn't Even Trying to Look Sexy
Just Little Ol' Me
Without the Glitter and Glam
"Sadness, My Love"
Something More Recent
Yay Me
Yay Kitty
The Big Bad Mousey Killer
My Little Lion
Christmas with the Bro
Me and Kathy
"Beyond the Norm", My Mother
My Bro Getting His First Tattoo
Didn't Hurt a Bit
My Old Car (I Miss Her)
When I Used to Be a Model (Not Lying!)
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Hey, I never said I was a genius at website design. I just wanted easy access to all my favorite sites and a way to satisfy all those online perverts that ask to see a "pic". Someday I'll actually put some effort into this and make it all fancy-like. But in the meantime I'm content with using up precious internet space for a bunch of crap no one cares about. So get clicky and go look at something more interesting, will ya?

I saved a dying mouse from the sidewalk once. It got out of the box and ran away. Then the next day it came back...and my cat killed it. I cried. Then I wrapped it in a towel and buried it in the yard with an ice cream scoop.
Rest In Peace little mousey.