Welcome to Steve's Page

It is now in your part of the world.

Here is what it look like on a good day:

Yes, this was my office several years ago. It was a little cluttered at the time of the picture and yes, I did dress "down" a bit at work. Unfortunately, it is in black and white - that was the only camera available at the time. Then I got my own office and all those boxes got stuffed into file cabinets.

I heard a radio station the other day ask listeners about brushes with celebrities. Well, here is my list:

Where have I been recently on my travels?? Other noteworthy places since college:
Fall is here and soon it will be cold and nasty here in Chicago. I hope the snow will only land on the ski slopes and not on my driveway :)

So, what do you have planned for Thanksgiving?

A little gift for you as a reminder of how beautiful life can be.

Something for Halloween to enjoy.

More for Halloween to enjoy.

Do you need a hug?

Would you like to see one of my friends ?

How about another one of my friends ?

How about one of my early girlfriends ?

Well, that is it for now. But remember: Sometimes you have to say:

"Piss on it!"

If you forget to whom you were talking to, then either head back up to the picture to see photo again or keep scrolling down for some more photos.

Please send any fan mail to me Steve's address @ Yahoo. Remember, I enjoy getting mail.

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Here is me with one of my toys

Here is a photo taken in my backyard that I hope you like

Here are some other photos taken of my backyard that I hope you like