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The Pittsburgh Lace Group is a not-for-profit organization whose purpose is to foster and promote interest in lace and lacemaking by providing a means for members to meet and exchange ideas and information, by offering demonstrations of lacemaking and exhibits of lace to the general public, and by providing programs and workshops on all aspects of lace, lacemaking, and related topics of interest to the members. The group meets the first Saturday of each month. Some meetings are for sharing news and ideas, while others include a demonstration or mini-workshop. There is an annua Lace Day and at least one weekend workshop. Informal classes are held on Thursday evenings in Monroeville.

For information, please send mail to Amy or Joanne.

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Please be advised that this sight is currently under contruction and will be posted as pages have been completed.

Table of Contents
Newsletter: Summer/Fall 1997 Newsletter: Summer 1998
Newsletter: Summer/Fall 1997 Newsletter: Summer/Fall 1997
Around the Town, an image of Pittsburgh PA -- an origional piece by Dewi Wong (President)

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