Key To My Heart
Dreaming Of You
Question of Love
An Ocean Of Turmoil
Broken Heart
Defining Goth
My other page... it describes the gothic lifesyle :-)
Bonny's Playhouse
A really cool page, made by a really cool chick. Has her own poetry and tons of links to other sites. And an awesome poet, by the way.
Obsidian's Lair
A really cool friends page, with poems written by him and pics of him and his band. Another awesome poet
Willow's Summer Breeze
A cool friends page with a bunch of kewl links, and a neat looking willow tree at the top.
Brandie and Willows Kinkpage
An interesting page, with tons of BDSM D/s links.
The best Marilyn Manson site I've come across... cool pics, lots of music to listen to and lyrics too.
Gothic Links
A page of... you guessed it... gothic links...and alot of them, at that.
The Enya Homepage
All kinds of info and links about Enya
Jesus Christ...Who Is He To You?
Loads and loads of info on Christianity, its really cool even if you're non-Christian.
Darkside Of The Net
Just as the title reads... gothic, medieval, fantasy, sci-fi, RPG's and more... its all on The Darkside.
Celtic Myths and Lore
More than enough info on this subject, and very interesting too.
Irish Links
Lots O' links on everything Irish... links to Irish newspapers, magazine, sports, events that are going on in your neighborhood, pubs, music, literature, education and more.
A Tribute To Fiona Apple
My fave singer ever, she rocks ! Pics, lyrics, music files, articles, and good links to other Fiona pages.
KODAK Picture This Homepage
A site to email someone a cool postcard you create yourself.
Virtual Florist
Send someone flowers via email ! You can also order real ones.(But I don't suggest trying to email those...:-)
The Insomniac Cafe
The page of a cool bud thats looking for her lost friend.
Hey, what is this VP thingy, anyway?