Hello! welcome to my page!

Im just begginning to learn the basics of HTML coding, so this site is under construction. But soon I will have lots of graphics and fun stuff, so please visit me again soon to see whats new. Thank you for dropping by!

I just love this gif and had to post it on my site!


Click on the "Gallery" link to view my work.

Click on the picture from my student I.D. to find out a bit more about me.

If you have any questions regarding my work, or any comments, I would LOVE to hear from you, I am ALWAYS open to pointers and criticism!! EMAIL ME! at.....


I give all the credit for my work to the Lord,, I could never create if He didnt first bless me with the talent to do so and with the honor of serving Him with it.

you are lucky number to visit my site!

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