Phaëthon's fall , made by Hendrick Goltzius, 1588.
The legend of Phaëthon,the Shining,nickname of the Greek Sungod.
He lent the suncarriage of his heavenly father Helios and he behaves reckless and stupid.He causes a huge fire in the sky and become punished by Zeus through the lightning and he falls dead on earth. Nice drawing, but a sad story huh?

BUT.....the other way around is also possible! The struggle to save the human soul!According to Hermas, an early Christian leader, "there are two angels with a man--one of righteousness, and the other of iniquity."The angel of righteousness was referred to as the soul's angelic double! Acts 12:15 and the story of Jacob(Genesis32).
Look at the picture: The angel's arm represents Jacob's determination to free his soul from worldly constraints. The chain symbolizes "things of the world" that bind the soul!
Dramatic illustration and a happy story !