Thanx for entering Ajay's Domain! Turn in your guns and bombs, otherwise you know what! Just kidding.
Hello There! Little question for you before we go ahead.
What they call England in Punjabi?
"Valaiet". HA HA HA HA
Well thats where I am right now, came here from Scottsdale, Arizona(USA) in July 02. Its different to be here and I am getting used to it. London is like Vegimite( I think) either you love it or you hate it. There is no in between. LOL you must be thinking "Strange Guy". Hey this is how I am. My brain is little complicated(the reason being, when God was distributing the brains, I was somewhere "Flirting" and I reached late like always, only thing left there was a "bugged computer chip" and I feel lucky to have that, they say something is better then nothing).
When I moved to Scottsdale(USA). I moved with the impression that I am going to the town of "COWBOYS". There will be horses, farms, Paddoks, Carts( I was crazy to think that) and believe me you don't see any there. Rather it is really funky town.
After finishing my graduation from Khalsa College, Amritser Punjab, I went to Melbourne for further studies. That means one of my dream(Travelling Arouund the World and working) came true. I been to Singapore, Malaysia, Canada, Mexico, Japan, Hong Kong, and almost at all the famous places in USA. So now while living in London I will get to visit Europe.
There is much more to my life, beside the exciting travelling and fun. What I always say is

"Live and Learn, Life is a lesson and I am a teacher, First I Gonna Crawl, then I gonna walk, then I gonna stand, Then I gonna Talk"

Who I am?..... In case you are wondering who the hell is he
My Friends!..... My friends on line
My album!..... Something to look at
Music Influence!..... My fav. Musician and Singer
Mera Punjab!..... Something to know about my state Punjab
Guest Area!..... Guest Books
Most Important!..... I have learnt.....
What is the meaning of my name
My favorite things

Email Me Here

My dear friendz who have complaint that I am not uploading their picturs, please do send me the recent picture so that I can upload it.(I am forced to do that haha, but kya karoon karna parega yaar)

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