David's Home Page
Hi to ALL, and welcome into my personal home page. Here's something about me:
My name is David Beduzzi and I was born in Trnava (Slovakia) on the 16th March 1972.
Currently I live in Cernusco S/n, a small town near Milano (Italy). I'm an Informatic-engeneering
student at the Polytecnic of Milano, and I work as
programmer at the Omega (a software house), using Visual C++.
In my spare time I like playing basketball, or any kind of sport there's chance to play.
I also like a lot watching sport events on TV or - much better - directly at the stadium,
indeed I have a subscription for the soccer team of Milano: FC Internazionale,
or simply 'Inter'. I really believe 'we' can win the championship this year with champions
like Zanetti, Ganz, Djorkaeff, Kanu and.... Ronaldo!
I also like American Football and my favourite team are the Cincinnati Bengals
My other one great passion is CINEMA. I like a lot european movies (expectially
French and Italian). My favourite movies are:
- All Krysztof Kieslowski movies
- The movies by/with Kenneth Branagh
- All the movies with Irène Jacob
- All the movies with Juliette Binoche
- The movies by Luc Besson
- Blade Runner, and Thelma and Louise by Ridley Scott
- 2001, a space Odyssey by Stanley Kubrick
- Metropolis by Fritz Lang
- Breaking the Waves by Lars Von Trier
- Most of the movies with Toto' (Antonio de Curtis)
- ... all the movies that have inside something new and attractive so they could be called . . . ART
As you probably imagine my favourite actresses are the beautiful Irène Jacob, and the fashinating
Juliette Binoche.
Though I like the first one a bit more, I have a fan page about Juliette, so if you like her too, or are just curious, please take a look!
My favourite actors are Rutger Hauer (The Hitcher, Blade Runner, Ladyhawke ...), Gary Oldman ( Dracula, Leon ... ), Kenneth Branagh
and Jean-Hugh Anglade.