American Romance

Hi! Welcome to the homepage of American Romance a new talker. The theme of the talker is romantic places across the Americas. Please come join the chat and have fun. I am working on this page sooooooo...please excuse the mess:)

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American Romance is an over 18 talker, enjoy laughter with friends or get away to a romantic setting.

Come visit our sister talker, Alice's Looking Glass. This is an over 18 talker based on Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. Each time you go it gets curiouser and curiouser. Have fun there:)

City of Dreams is our under 18 talker. Join everyone there and follow your dreams, laugh and have a lot of fun:)

Please check out the homepages for:

Alice's Looking Glass
City of Dreams

You are visitor number Since July 22, 1997.

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