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Homepage of the Untalented Male

Site of the Somewhat Lost

Welcome to my slice of heaven. Hope you like what you see. Ich heisse Stephen. Soy de Virginia. Je pense que tu et un chevre.

Life begins. Life ends. That's all for now.

So I've done some new and interesting things with my homepage. Of course, not like it really matters, seeing as how nobody ever comes to see it. But that's otay. At least it gives me something to do when I'm bored out of my gourd. It's so sad to look at this and see how crappy in comparison to other homepages it is. I need to start researching on how to do more complicated things with HTML. But until that time comes, everyone will just have to be satisified with what they see. That or they can go elsewhere. Anyway, enough of that self hating crap. Here are some facts about me.
I am 21 years old, and a junior in college at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, more commonly known as Virginia Tech or VPI. I am majoring in International Studies, with a possible minor in Spanish. I really want to get involved in a major where I can develop my foreign language skills. As you may have noticed above, I can speak Spanish, German, and even a little French. I also know a few lines in Latin. Hey Nora, Semper Ubi Sububi. Okay, enough bull shit. Let's get down to the info about me.
I enjoy watching TV and movies, as well as listening to music. My all time favorite movies are, The Breakfast Club , Hackers, and The Long Kiss Goodnight. As far as art is concerned, I think all aspects and variations are acceptable and great. My favorite form of art, however, would have to be poetry. I love the way one can express themselves in the literal and figurative method. As far as my poetry goes the meaning is in the mind of the beholder. I do like to write my own poetry and my friends feel I have a real knack for it. They wonder how I am able to think of what I'm going to say next. I'm not sure myself sometimes, but I try to link my poetry through my life and my experiences. Other interests include psychology and music. Psychology is another of my hobbies. I think I may one day be an excellent psychologist. I enjoy trying to understand what makes people tick. I also have a knack for telling all the little quarks about my friends, but then again the more you know someone the easier it is to peer into their soul and their innermost thoughts and secrets. I plan to update this site regularly and will soon enter some poetry onto this page and advertise my site throughout the service. BYE!
Hey baby, what's your sign?

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Great music and great times!!!
Answer these questions to know exactly how pure you are!!!??

This all made possible by the generous donation of space from geocities and the all knowing Becky(a.k.a.- Xena), homepage making goddess! ;-)~

A Great Place for You to Learn About The Breakfast Club!!

Check out Molly's homepage!


© 1997

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