The following pages feature stories which are *Adult* in content, so don't go there if you:
a) don't like seeing, reading, or hearing about sex;
b) don't like slash (m/m or f/f pairings);
c) aren't old enough to know either a or b.
That said, and fully forewarned, please check out our wonderful group:
Amirin's Stories are now housed on five pages: C/P Stories updated August 4, 2000, P/K Stories updated June 11, 2000, and Other Voyager Stories updated August 2, 1999, X-Files Stories updated March 5, 2000, Sports Night Stories updated December 27, 1999.
Athea's Pages have moved from this archive and can be found here.
Derora's Page currently featuring Star Trek: Voyager and Sentinel Fiction; updated August 2, 2000
elynross' Page has moved off this archive and can be found here.
Fenris' Page currently featuring Highlander, Forever Knight, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, and Crossover fiction; updated February 8, 1999.
Helmboy's Page currently featuring Star Trek: Voyager, The Sentinel, and Star Wars ficton; updated November 20, 1999; and the Travelling Man Stories featuring Voyager fiction; updated June 28, 1999.
JiM's Page currently featuring Highlander, X-Files, Jonny Quest, and Space: Above and Beyond fiction; updated July 9, 2001.
Joanne's Slash Series Page currently featuring Star Trek: Voyager fiction, updated April 23, 2000; and the Other Stories Page, currently featuring Highlander, Eddie and the Cruisers, X-Files, Magnificent Seven, Ally McBeal, Horatio Hornblower, Lawrence of Arabia, The Bold and the Beautiful, Gladiator, Chasing Amy, X-Men, The Prophecy, The Talented Mr. Ripley, Clay Pigeons, Armageddon, Gossip, and Crossover fiction; updated July 9, 2001.
Karen's Page currently featuring Star Trek: Voyager, X-Files, Star Wars, and La Femme Nikita fiction; updated June 7, 2000.
Merri-Todd's Page currently featuring Star Trek: Voyager, X-Files, Sentinel, and Crossover fiction; updated November 4, 1999.
Sibyl's Page currently featuring Highlander, Sentinel, and Original fiction; updated June 19, 2000.
Trig's Page currently featuring Law and Order slash fiction; updated August 10, 1998.
VG's Page currently featuring The Sentinel, The X-Files, and The Professionals slash fiction; updated August 2, 1999.
Yvette has joined along as well, and her Voyager and Star Wars: The Phantom Menace slash stories can be found at The Tuvok/Kim Slash Page; updated March 5, 2000.
There is another set of Artist in Residence homepages on the 'net, as well.
This page has been accessed times since July 24, 1997.
© 1997-1999 Please contact me with any feedback, formatting or downloading problems. All material featured on these pages are the copyright of the authors, no infringement is intended. Send mail to:
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