Hi, I'm Cher...

This site was created in June of 1995.  I decided to make
this site to challenge myself to do something new.  It has
since become a hobby of mine.  I don't always get around
to updating it as often as I would like to, but I enjoy it
greatly.  Since learning to create a web site I have also
learned to make some graphics.  They may not always
be the best, but I have a lot of fun playing around with
the graphics and learning new things.

I am currently living in Okinawa, Japan with my husband
of 8 years and our 2 children.  We will be moving back
to the states this summer and we are REALLY looking
forward to it.  Don't get me wrong... Okinawa is a nice
place, but I miss my family and friends a LOT.  Being SOOO
far away from them is really tough, especially around
the holidays!  (We also miss shopping at the malls
and eating at the stateside restaurants.)

For the past few years I have put several different
things up on my web site.  However it is mostly here for
the pictures.  So, I am going to remove mostly everything,
but the pictures.  They are here for family and friends
to enjoy.  So, I hope you enjoy your stay.

On to the pictures now...


Family Pics
Typhoon Pics
Friends Pages