Hi there, My name is Fariha Mughal and I live in London, England. I am afraid if you were looking for songs by Fariha Pervaiz, you came to the wrong place. A while back I didn't know who she was until I was told shes a famous ( apparently ) Pakistani singer. One day I had the chance to buy some music by her and was bitterly disappointed, not only can she not sing but she sings in a very happy hyper pop style ( euck ). I guess it makes sense though, since Fariha is Persian ( Iranian ) for happiness and joy, it also means bearer of peace and joy. I have just updated my site so any email comments will be totally appreciated.

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Thought of the Day 20th May 2001 So What am I thinking of today? Just wondering why everyones saying Geri Halliwell is looking so toned and healthy. Healthy My Ass!! she is taking vitamin injections so she isn't fatigued and its also rumoured shes had liposuction, with losing all that weight doesn't she look like shes aged 20 years? she looks old haggard and tired with a body of a 20year old. Now at the hey dey of The Spice Girls these 5 girls were the epitome of fun, fit but not fat, 5 unique girls, whats with them all looking like clones of each other? I dont understand.

Look out for Me on ICQ also my numbers are 5280319 or 716367

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