Come On
Well hello there! Come on in and
make yourself
comfortable. Can i get you something? Kool-Aid?
Dr. Pepper? Ginger Beer?...I'd like to thank you
all for coming, at my invitation, to visit. Since
everyone has different tastes, I've not prepared
anything to eat yet. I figured I'd just take
suggestions as you come in. So what'll it be?
Spaghetti? Curry Goat? Cheese-burger Mac Hamburger
helper?.....Alright, while that's cooking, I guess
you'd like to know a little about your hostess, huh?
Well if you don't mind, I think I should start at
the beginning, so you can get a better idea of why "I
Yam What I Yam!" What's that playing on the deck you
ask? Oh! that's a new favorite of mine, the Cocteau
Twins. Two of my dears turned me on to
I was born to two of the most loving parents on
earth, in 1971. Yes that makes me 25. Although they
later realized they could no longer get along, they
made sure knew i was loved,
and what love is. As a baby, so I'm told, I was
always the center of attention. At home, or in
public, I was usually the one everyone had their
eyes on. I was always smiling, bearing a toothless
orafice for all to see. I was shown plenty of love
from both family and friends. Being in the Air
Force, my father was stationed in Germany when
was born, making me a military brat. It had it's
advantages, such as being exposed to different
cultures at a very young age, but it also had
disadvantages, such as not knowing when to speak
French, German, or English. I spoke all three at one
time, but I only remember English, and French since I
use them most. I guess you could say that by the
we moved back to the states when I was 5, I was a
pretty well rounded child. I was very happy, and
out-going. In two years, though, my happy little
would be broken by divorce. Although my father was
no longer living with us, he made sure we, my brother
and I, knew we had a father, and who he was. It was
as if he'd never left, though, cuz we saw him every
other week-end, every holiday, and all summer. The
love I received from both, and now all three of my
parents (step-mother i love to death) has really
helped me throughout my life. I've come to realize
that even when you don't think you count for
anything, the love of a good, strong family can help
you regain faith in yourself. Oh! Lemme go check on
dinner...So now that we know a little about the past,
let's step into the present. Ya Know?! I think one
of the best things about meeting new people is, you
get to take something with you by knowing them. I
can say I've met some very interesting people in my
life. I would have to start with the two great loves
of my life, both of whom I wear around my right
wrist. 1st, there was Curtiss, from whom i get my
love of classic cars, and drag-racing. Thanks to
him, I am able to do minor repairs on my own car.
Then there was Adama. Dear sweet Adama. Thanks to
him, I now speak 2 dialects of the West African
Tongue. I am still apolitical, to his dismay, but he
has had a profound influence on me. Then of
course, there's Canni, or WyldRain
as she likes to be called. Thanks to her, I
know what a bad rap the word "witch" has been given.
She and I share a love of
disco music unlike most. She is my celestial
friend. Then there's my Jenna. Thanks to her, i am
a web-aholic. She urged me to get webtv, and I did,
and here I am.
Then there's Tristan Dark. Now he's the type of guy
you just love to sit back and talk to, cuz you know
the conversation is gonna be good. OH! lemme go turn
the fire out under my pot.
Links to other sites
on the Web
Where I Go
To Find Fun!
ncient Wonders!
Passion Of Mine!
Mr Mike!
Now These Are Cars!
Ain't She Beautiful?
AHH! I see you checking out my music over there. Of
course I listen to all of them...It just depends on
the mood I'm in...If I'm feeling sexy, I listen to
gelo...or if I'm feeling mellow, I listen to
or George
Michael. But if I'm feeling nostalgic, it's
Gaye or the Saturday Night Fever
Sndtrk...yes I own it...Hey! Ya know, dinner is
ready and I think w should go on and eat before it
gets cold...Bring your Kool-Aid with you, yes I have
more.......Well thank-you for stopping by today. I
really enjoyed your company. Always remember
Love Yourself, And Others Will Follow
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