Welcome to Nick Gaudio’s Kwadz Homepage

Brand new – a preserved gem from myspace – has since been deleted!  At the author’s request, it will remain anonymous, however.

Penn Party Plus – The De-Evolution of Houlis

The Nick Houlis SLM (Self Loathing Mode) Official Diary – please email me with any additions that I forgot to include!

Movie Quote Parodies – click here!

Song Parodies – click on individual song titles below –

By Englehartica:

Album Name

Eat ‘Em All

Eat the Stuffing

Master of Breakfast

…And Breakfast for All

Englehartica (The Fat Album)

Load (Up on Food):

ReLoad (Up on Food)

Kitchen, Inc.

St. Hunger

Eat It: Binge and Purge

Track Listing

The Four Food Groups

For Hou the Fat Rolls



Hungrier Than Thou

Houlis is My Bitch


Fat Digress

St. Hunger




Thin to Fat

Master of Breakfast

The Flabby Ends of Houlis

Pastry Filled Platters

Until Houlis Eats






Go to the Diner

Eating Death

Welcome Home (Cafeteria)

Brown Eye of the Beholder








Eat and Annoy


Disposable Houlis






























By Feed-Me/Weigh-Me:

I’ve Got Big Bowls

Dinner Bells

If You Want Fudge (We Got It)

It’s a Long Way to the Shop (If You Want a Jelly Roll)

My Face Will Swell


By other artists:




ChurchHou’s Speech

Eating It All

The Fat American (Nick Houlis’ Theme)

Fat Houlis (Xmas song)

Fat Houlis (rap)


Hate Me

Hou, Fat Hou

Hunger Pain

I Love Jelly Rolls

I’m Annoyed

I Weigh Five Fifty-Five

The Kevin Lu Song

Meals, Meals, Meals

Meatball Wizard

The Smells of Houlis

Stairway to Heffer



Welcome to the Penn Queen

White Wedding

You Give Nick a Bad Name


During some interesting chats today, Aaron, Samara and I decided to document the official SLM (Self Loathing Mode) diary in which we detail every single time Nick Houlis has gone into SLM.  Those of you who know him know what SLM is all about.  Those of you who don’t know him – hopefully you will never experience it!  See the top of this page for a link to the list.


Yeah, fine, today’s my birthday.  I’m not acknowledging it because I turn 25 today.  Nothing beats your 19th birthday because that’s just the best age all around.  Anyways, I’ve since added a bunch of songs that Englehartica has been working on and there’re even plans to perform some of them on the Nov 19-20th Element 71 jam.  If I can convince Aaron to bring over the 16 track, I’ll post the recorded versions on here after they’re done.

The red states are the states I’ve been to at least once in my life.  That counts airport layovers…haha.  I first saw it on MikePirone.com and liked it, so I made one for myself:


create your own personalized map of the USA

Someday I’ll get to the rest of the states.  NH, VT and ME should be easy to do in one shot.  Same thing goes for MI, WI, ND and SD.  Then I’ll have to drive to OK passing through WV, KT, MO, and KS.  As for HI and AK, they can go to hell.  They’re not part of the mainland, anyway. J 

[UPDATE: 1-16-06 – While visiting Chris Parent in Sterling, VA this weekend, Christina and I got to ride across the WV border to Charles Town (near Harper’s Ferry) with him knocking another state off the list.]


          I added our list of movie quotes that are also parodied for fatness.  See above amongst the links for the songs.  More songs added, too.  Hopefully some picture links, soon.


          Yet another update of songs.  I’ve also moved the song list to the top of the page so that it doesn’t flow down in chronological order.


          Here’s another update, folks! I am finally getting around to posting the Englehartica series of songs.  These are mostly parodies of popular Metallica songs with our buddy Nick Houlis in mind.  Nick loves when we tease him in a friendly sense so I don’t think he’ll be too offended at these: [MOVED TO TOP OF PAGE]


            Wow!  Two updates in 4.5 years!! That’s amazing!  I just wanted to make sure you had links to a few picture pages I had up on the web.  Eventually I might actually get around to posting a bunch more pics, and maybe someday having a server again like I did Senior year of college.  But until then, these will have to do:

September 2004, Christina’s Buick Century caught on fire while she, Julie and Sam were headed back to Rosemont College from a karate class they decided to take.  Fortunately, she reacted quickly and parked the car while instructing the other girls to get out and run away from the vehicle.  By time they got to the other side of the street, the car burst into flames and here you can see the aftermath, taken the next day after the car was towed:  http://www.homepage.villanova.edu/nicholas.gaudio/car.htm

Spring Break 2004 – Christina and I stayed on Singer Island at the Canopy Palms Resort in West Palm Beach, FL.  I believe all of these pictures are from our first night there:  http://www.homepage.villanova.edu/nicholas.gaudio/sb04.htm

May 2004 – After Christina graduated from Rosemont College, I took her on a trip through the Southwest US.  As you can see in this map and the itinerary document, we visited Montezuma’s Castle, Sedona, Grand Canyon South Rim, Monument Valley, Lake Powell, Bryce Canyon, Hoover Dam, Death Valley and Las Vegas all within 10 days.  In reality, we saw each of those places within the first 6 days on the trip and stayed 5 nights in Vegas.

Map:  http://www.homepage.villanova.edu/nicholas.gaudio/southwest.htm

Itinerary: http://www.homepage.villanova.edu/nicholas.gaudio/southwest.doc

Spring Break 2005 – Christina and I took a trip to Memphis and New Orleans, although these pictures are only from the first day in Memphis:  http://www.homepage.villanova.edu/nicholas.gaudio/memphis.html



          Well, folks, it's been almost five (5) years since the last update!! A lot has happened since then. I'll highlight (in random order):

1.     I graduated Villanova with my BS in Computer Engineering in May, 2003.

2.    I met Christina Marie Marconi in April 2002, we got engaged on January 28, 2005, and are getting married on June 10, 2006.

3.    I started work as a Systems Engineer, Asc. in King of Prussia, PA on August 11, 2003 after doing two internships at the same workplace (starting May 21, 2001).  [UPDATE:  As of July 18, 2005, I have been working in Moorestown, NJ as a Member of Engineering Staff.]

4.    Christina and I are under contract to purchase a house in Merchantville, NJ on June 9, 2005. [UPDATE:  Purchased!]

5.    On June 7, 2003, Aaron Kipnis and I took a Greyhound bus trip around the continental US, visiting 16 US cities and 30 states in 30 days.

6.    I started coursework for my Master of Science in Computer Engineering, also at Villanova and I am set to finish my last class on June 29, 2005. [UPDATE: Finished!]

7.    Christina graduated Rosemont College on May 15, 2004 with her BS in Sociology, Forensic Track. She is also enrolled in graduate school at Villanova, on full scholarship, for a Master of Science in Criminal Justice Administration and is set to graduate May 2006.

8.    Other graduation announcements: Nick Houlis graduated college!!! Finally!!! :) He is currently pursuing his MA in Opera Performance from University of Maryland. Aaron Kipnis and Kevin Lu both graduated from Rutgers, Mike Englert graduated from University of Maryland, College Park. Kevin Lu is pursuing a PhD in MEMS from UCLA. Don't ask me what it means...I think it's Micro Electronic Magnetic Sensors or something similar--Lu will correct me on that.

9.    My mom started working full time as a medical coder at Kennedy Health Systems in Cherry Hill.

10.                       Probably a million other things that I can't remember right off the top of my head.



          Here we go again!! Yet, another tough year in Engineering, but it’s all good…I love this stuff…also, the election is far from over, but we College Republicans don’t feel like waiting until it’s settled to party!! We had a party at Villanova College Republicans President Martha Wilson and Vice President Jay Trombley’s house on 11-10-00…it was a good time, regardless of what Jay says!



          Ok, more updates!!! Check out /banacol2/west.htm for some old school high school pics!!! I’m gonna put up a whole pic link thing soon on this page so I don’t have u running around like mad trying to find these…more pics to come, baby!! (There’s the picture link right above here!!!)


8-9-00 (part 2)

          Hey guys…I’m back again today…I put up another page…this one consisting of all of the pictures from the Baltimore July 4th, Metallica trip w/ Aaron Kipnis, Mike Englert and Kelly Tropp…yes, that’s Kelly, not Britney Spears, guys…although she did buy the pants after she saw Britney with them on MTV…they were possibly the tightest pants I’ve ever seen…looked good J ok, check out the site guys: http://www.geocities.com/banacol2



Hey folks! I just finally got around to posting a page of pictures from Paul Levesque’s parties at the end of July and beginning of August 2k…I think I spelled his name correctly…well, the address for the “highlight” pictures is http://www.geocities.com/banacol1. I also have a page up on my Villanova server: http://homepage.villanova.edu/nicholas.gaudio if anyone wants to really check that out…I don’t know y, ‘cause it’s retarded…well, more pics to be posted soon!! I’ll take requests too…



Hey guys…Finally, after almost a year, I’m actually doing something new w/ this page…if u see, above, I put a banner to help out our friend walter…that was put up b4 he actually won the contest, but I don’t feel like removing ‘cause it has sentimental value…hehe…ok, so I’m retarded, but that’s ok…well, this summer is definitely the summer of concerts…I saw Metallica in Baltimore on July 4th and today I’m seeing them again at Giant’s Stadium in East Rutherford, NJ…july 22nd, I’m seeing Ozzfest at the E-Centre in Camden and then August 20th, I’m seeing AC/DC at the First Union Center…plus I’m gonna be volunteering at the First Union Center on July 30-August 3rd or something like that for the Republican National Convention…yes, I’m Republican and Conservative and proud of it…got a problem with that? Why don’t you actually read up on different issues then and you’ll see that the media is probably the only reason you’re not one of us! So this summer should be awesome, although I really can’t wait to go back to Villanova and hang out w/ Brazilians, Ethiopians, Indians and North Jersey peoplehaha



Hey there...It's been quite a while since I've updated this page, so I'm a lil' bit rusty...OK, I'm gonna attempt to add a few new features:

Pictures from work @ the Navy Yard in Philly (NSWCCD)



Wuz up, kidz?  For any of you who don't know me, my name's Nick Gaudio, but you can just call me Kwadz if you'd like to.   I'm part of the Cherry Hill High School West Class of '99 (visit the other pages on our web ring down below, courtesy of Matthew Yuri Marinzoli.) (Update 2005-05-22---Web ring has since been discontinued and links are abandoned.) As you can see, this isn't the only page I have up...I have pages to represent (almost) every thing that's worth checking out.

Most of my pages aren't complete at this time, so keep stopping back in to see the most excellent updates, and leave me an email message when you get a chance at {Nicholas . Gaudio (at) villanova . edu}. (Update 2005-05-22---I don't want to get spammed, so I fixed up the email address so you have to manually type it.)

(Update 2005-06-02 --- I just recently discovered two lost pages that were intended as part of this webpage:  The Anti-Englehart Homepage and The Cherry Hill Laser Tag Homepage.)

As is everything on your computer, this site is Set your resolution to 800 x 600..

As any intelligent person would say, I Hate Macintosh!.

Ask Fencent Laspada why we should Boycott Packard Bellif you don't agree.

In case you’re new to computers and you’re looking for an ISP, b4 you jump on the bandwagon, let me just let you know that AOL Sucks.

walterbanner.gif (10450 bytes)

Kwadz last updated this page on Sunday, May 22, 2005.