Wow what a pic huh? Love those eyes! I am Tammie, and this is my fashion page. I just love fashion as you will see. I am a fashion consultant and love my work. I have some great fashion links so be sure to check them out!

Check out these cool BBW fashion links!!!!

Jalon Fashions This site rates 5+ roses. These people know fashion! They have been in the industry for over 25 years, and it shows. They make classy clothes for todays executive BBW. Their prices are a little high, but Ladies, you get what you pay for with this company, and you definately get quality. I personally own several of their suits! They carry size 14W-36W in most all their styles. This is the shop for the Boardroom BBW.

Making it Big These people get a 5 rose rating. Their fashions are fantastic for the Causual/Dressy workplace, or an evening at a 3 star restaurant. They take Super-Size to a new level, and offer affordable, quality, stylish clothes for the working BBW.

JellyRolls Homepage This page rates 4 roses. While not a fashion link, I think that Jellyroll has some very important things to say about being fat in todays society. She says her piece and gives us things to think about. And hey..Jellyroll...I just want you to know..those booth seats are a pet peeve of mine too!

Barb's Large and Lovely This site is rated 3 roses. "Barb's Large and Lovely" has some wonderful lingerie, at affordable prices. Thier sizing leaves a bit to be desired, as most articles only go up to a size 3x or 4x. If you are a size 16W-26W, this is the lingerie shop for you!

Leather and Lace This site rates 3 roses. If you are a size 16W-26W, and you are a good girl who loves to play naughty, or a bad girl getting better, and Leather is your kink, this is the place for you! They have fantastic patent leather lingerie, at a discounted price, as well as genuine leather for those with discriminating taste. Leave your inhibitions behind, and have a peek!

Here are a few links of BBW interest!

FAQ about Infertility This site is rated 4 roses. If you have ever thought about having a child, and have been told that your weight was preventing you from getting pregnant, this is the place for you. They handle the issue of infertility in a calm, rational, comfortable way.

CuffsThis site is rated 4 roses. If you are curious about, intrigued with, or practicing the D/s (Dominance and submission) lifestyle, this is the place to be. They walk you through each step of the relationship and always tell you "My way may not be the right way." This is a kind, nurturing, wonderful source of information. Go on in and take a look around.

I love email so if you have fashion tips or know of any other fashion links that would be great for my page or if you just want to say hi just click below to send me email!!

The BBW/FA Ring Tammie is a member of the BBW/FA Ring
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