The Trek Relationships Webring


Well, you've made it to the official(sort of) page of the Trek Relationships Webring. Chances are you are interested in adding your fine site to my ring. Welcome to the Ring Family!!!!! In this ring all the Star Trek relationships, no matter how popular, live in harmony. Even the Riker/Troi and Worf/Troi pages can get along here! No matter what the relationship, if it's trek, it can be here. That's the qualification!!!


Adding your site is simple. A little farther down on the page is a form. Just fill it out and you'll be added to a waiting list of sorts. Then I'll take a look at your site to make sure you've added the ring code to it. The ring code is what will be seen on your page. It looks something like this:

This Trek Relationships site is owned byEmily.

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Trek Relationships?

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To make it simple, just cut and paste this code to your page. Make sure you change the id # to your own ID # after you receive it and change your name and e-mail address to your own. No other changes have to be made.

This Trek Relationships site is owned byEmily.

Want to join the Trek Relationships?

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I know, it looks confusing, but it's really not too hard! But, before I add your site to the ring, you have to make sure add the ring code to your page.


Now here's the form to use to add your address. You will get an automatic response when you fill it out. This does NOT mean you are part of the ring. I have to look at your page first and add your site to the ring myself. You don't need to contact me about it, I will get an automatic e-mail myself when you register. After I look at your page and approve it for the ring, you should get an e-mail saying that you're in the ring! And that's all there is to it!!

Submit site to Trek Relationships

Owner's Name:
Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords:Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description:Enter a short description of your site.


Have you already registered your site but want to change the info about it? Just click here to edit your site info.


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