Skeletons in The Closet _CARROLL/RAMBIN

There are 14064 individuals and 4808 families representing 2922 surnames in this database.

Feel free to submit corrections or additions.... .

Skeletons In The Closet is a clearing house of EVERYONE we are working on, plus some NON-RELATED individuals that we admire... for example: SKELETONS IN THE CLOSET Includes the family of Charles Carroll of Carrollton, last surviving signer of the Declaration of Independence...Yes, I would like to find a connection, but NO, I have NOT found a link between him and my family....Both family groups have the surname Carroll in it's many and varied spellings.
As the information that is presented here has come from many sources, and the spellings sometimes vary dependant upon the source, you would be well advised to look under all possible spellings. Always take phoenitics into consideration. For example: The surname Rambin is also spelled Rumby (French pronunciation) And the surname Carroll is also spelled Carrol,Carrel,Carryl,Carril,Carroll,Carrell, Carryll,Carrill,Karol,...etc.
The Carroll Family that is associated with the Rambin-Allied Family Group married in the New Orleans, Louisiana area.
The other Carrolls that are presented here are from two distinct families, One (The Carroll-Allen-Hornbukle clan)whose migration pattern was Virginia to Kentucky from circa 1745-1770 to modern-day, and another(The Stewart-Moss-Carroll clan) who entered North Carolina circa 1745-1770 and primarily stayed there, although a few cousins moved on to Kentucky and some others to Georgia.
Among this genealogy are found many war veterans from the following wars:
Cullodean (The Great '45---1745 Jacobite Revolution of Scotland /France)
American Revolution
French and Indian Wars
War of 1812
Mexican American War
Civil War
World War I
World War II
Korean Conflict
Vietnam War
Gulf War
Desert Storm
"We are but the sum of our ancestors..." Emerson

Carroll Family Roots
Rambin Family: Colonial Louisiana Pioneers
Genealogy of European Royalty In honor of Princess Diana Spencer and her beloved sons.
Ancient Genealogies

These are the Colonial Pioneer Families of Louisiana, Texas, Virginia, North Carolina, Kentucky and beyond. The most common surnames in this database (in no particular order) are : Rambin(512), Ashford(115), Moore(126), Rivers(145), Lambert(638), Sepulvado(336), Prudhomme(225), Stewart(215), Hornbuckle(178), Laffitte(144)

These pages were UPDATED on Tuesday, February 22,2000.


THIS SITE is TEMPORARILY Down for routine upkeep and update. Sorry for the inconvenience. I will be glad to answer any questions and do lookups on a limited basis until its return to service. Evelyn Carroll 7-29-2004

Database Owner Contact Information

Evelyn Carroll and Dawn Rambin

This page, and all genealogical data contained on it are © 2000 Evelyn Carroll and Dawn Rambin

Programs we Use


A special thank you to Brother's Keeper, a fully functioning shareware genealogy program for keeping all these families in some kind of order!
Please visit the site, check out the program and buy it! We love it!

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