Lovers Are Forever
Hello Welcome to my World Of Poetry And Love
Step Into My Dreams
Step into my dreams and fill me with the sounds of your beating heart
Hold me close and gaze into my eyes,the glimmer you see is my soul,full of life
The armor is now gone,weary from fighting,I bare myself to you
No more mask,no more untruths or colored glass to peer through
It is now just me you see before you,vulnerable to the harsh whip of reality
But my strength lies within your touch,take me into your arms and we will be as one
Let our lips join and passionately we will share the world together
As the days pass,our love will grow with each breath of the wind
Lie by my side in the meadow of gold and we will bathe in nature's light
and laugh like children We hide from the summer's tears
No storm lasts forever,but a loving heart will beat for all eternity
All I need is for you to step into my dreams once more...
When I Look At You
When I look at you
I see what love can truly mean
When I hold you
I feel what love really brings
When I touch my lips with yours,
I feel the depth of you and me
When I stroke you,
I know that you were meant for me
I love you
My heart breaks each day that your not with me
My courage slowly disappears everytime I try to hold you
But I grasp the air that you were mean't to be
When I think of love,I think of you
When loneliness comes to haunt me I say your name
To ward that wretched curse away
You are the one I love
You are the one for me
What Is Love
Love is caring about someone until the end
Love is always being a true friend
Love is listening to all the questions
And helping to find the answers
Love is always being there
Love is being a smiley face on a rainy day
Love is always knowing the right things to do and say
Love is being together to fight for
All the things you want in life
And most importantly LOVE is what I feel for YOU
Between Two Lovers
Between two lovers there is a bond
Even if something amongst them goes wrong
You are there with a laugh or smile
And hold me if I cry for awhile
Between two lovers you can't erase
The special bonding that takes place,
You won't judge me on a little scar
Because we love each other for who we are
Between two lovers there is no act
We can always be ourselves
Keep your lover close to your heart
Because forever they're the main part

For More Poems here
Poems From My Sis here
Poems From The Heart here
From My Heart To Yours here