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Santa Ring
This Santa Ring
is owned and operated by

Juelie McLean
and Patricia McCarty.

heart garland

The purpose of our "Santa Ring" is to provide Santa Lovers the opportunity to visit a ring of Santa dolls and figurines that are sculpted, carved and created by very talented Santa Artists throughout the United States and Canada. To assure the quality of our ring, we accept new members via "invitation".

By utilizing the ring, you can travel from one Santa Artist to another until you end up on the page you started from. The ring also enables you to go to the next site, skip a site, see the next 5 sites, or travel to a random site within the Santa Ring.

To Enter the Santa Ring, just click on "Next Santa Site". (See Below)

To see the Santa Artists who belong to the Santa Ring, just click on "list".

We hope you will enjoy your travels.

" Bon Voyage "

santaring This Santa Ring is owned by
Juelie "Santalady" McLean & Patricia McCarty


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The Santa Ring graphics were supplied by: Juelie McLean

Background by Patricia McCarty & Juelie McLean

© 1997 - 2003 by Juelie McLean and Patricia McCarty

heart garland



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