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Buy Jim's New Book "The Atheist"

From the Back Cover:

Who is Jim Sala? Rumor has it he was a stand-up comic,
male dancer, college professor and a writer. Most of the
things you hear about him are lies, but these claims may
indeed be true. What we know for sure is that he lives
currently in Austin and hates people.

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Contents of site: For the new visitor:
This site has become a popular site for alternative philosophy, including irrationalism, objectivism, and materialism. The purpose of these discussions is to explore important themes. Important themes may include (but are not limited to) "truth", "ethics", "pragmatism", and "Objectivism." One of the main foci of this site is the philosophy of film, so many of the links and articles deal with modern film criticism. There are also book lists, fiction, and humor.

Review clip:
Finally a documentary with a punch. Before I even talk about the film, I'm thinking of going and taking a life insurance policy on Michael Moore. I called Geico and they laughed at me. If he happens to take a 'tumble' in the next month, I'm guessing, it won't be as easy to cover up as a Halliburton contract. So, watch for a 'natural cause' type of thing. For certain the beginning was much more effective. The parts of the documentary where he did his research and appealed more to evidence worked. I was really sold on the Bush/Bin Laden link. I'm not sure what it means, and I'm guessing there is some hyberbole, but I do think there's more than meets the eye. Yes Moore is a deluded idealist and a liberal nazi but he was focused and interesting with this film.
Review clip:
I don't even know where to begin with this crap. Let's just face facts: today's movies are built on reputation and expectation. It's got nothing to do with real film technique. These movies have an epic quality, but that's it. There are no real amazing special effects, like in The Matrix, so what's left? I'll tell you what's left: A bunch of flat characters, a litany of do-gooders, boring moral pontification, and a completely unmotivated, disconnected and unearned script. Yes, people like the books. But that doesn't mean they make good movies.

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