Romuald THENAULT's Home Page
Last updated on June 20th 1997
About myself:
I'm a 23 years old male from France, I live in Paris for 5 years because of my studies in ISEP (Institut Superieur d'Electronique de Paris), my school is an Engineering school in Electronics and for my last year, I chose the option "Information Systems". Check out my resume (cv in french).
Before coming to Paris, I lived in Orleans where I was born.
What I like most in life, after my friends and family:
- Sport:
- I like running Marathons and Half-Marathons.
- I used to be a goalkeeper in my school's handball team.
- I'm a fan of soccer (don't proctise but like watching on TV).
- Music: I like almost all kinds of musci, but particularely:

- Queen.
- Pink Floyd
- The Cranberries.
- Science Fiction:
- Television: Series like X-Files.
- Cinema: Stargate, The Fifth Element, Dune and of course Star Wars.
- Books: Except reading a lot of Star Wars and X-Files novels, my favorite author is Michael Crichton. I also liked very much the cycle of "Dune".
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