Hello and Welcome to our page. We are your humble hosts, Bakon and Eggz, and you are visiter number . We
were married on May 17 of this year and, so far, things are going great.
I have decided to make this page our page. It will have some of my writing and some of Eggz art work. I personally belive that Eggz should market some of her stuff, but she won't. I did however, convince her to let me put a little bit of it here. So, that's what this page is about, two artists trying to get the confidence and courage to expose ourselves (our art work, not our bodies). And what could be a better way than through the internet. So, here we have links to some of my writings and poetry and Eggz art. If you would like to comment on either of our things, just slip us a note..
For those few of you that have been here before, let us thank you for returning
and let me say that I hope this site is a litte more interesting now.
For those of you who are new to the site. Let us thank you for stopping by.
The Flower Eggz scribbled this out while talking to her mother on the telelphone one night.
Half Face Eggz hashed this one out while I was watching t.v. I didn't know that she was drawing me.
I also have a page of Indiana University Basketball, so come check it out.
Following is the first instalment of a sort of top ten list. Those of you that have been here before
may notice that it has not changed. The reason for this is because I think I will leave it up until agter my wedding and honeymoon. So it will be here
a little while longer. If you have any suggestions as to another top ten, let me know by e-mail. As always have fun surfing the net, and please return to see any added changes that I have.
Well that is the first instalment of Bakon's Top Ten List. I will post more as they come to me. If you have any thoughts or ideas about a top ten e-mail me and I will post them. Again I would love to hear from you so e-mail me and tell me what you think. Also come back again to see some of my other links and pages.