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Life is but a poem....and people merely undiscovered, unknowing poets...
Hi,I'm Poeticromance, better known to my friends as Candace.
A little about myself, I'm 19 years old. I'm a Jesus Freak Christian. I love God, and serve him. I love to write. I write poetry, short stories, and lots of letters to friends. I am a hopeless romantic. I believe in happy endings, love at first sight, soulmates, and I cry at romantic movies. I'm always looking to meet other writers.I love sports. I plan to become a high school history teacher after college.
Things I love:
Mint Chocolate chip ice cream
Star Trek (not the original)
Dawson's Creek
The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks
I really love spanish.
Because I'm a poet I thought I'd share one of my favorite poems. I wrote this from an email I received. It's romantic and sappy, but it means so much to us.

HI, to all my friends.
I hope to have some cool pics and stuff up soon. Email me at in the meantime.
If you're ever on yahoo chat, my screen name is girlinthecorner, say hi.I'm always looking for poems by other writers. If you have one email me I'd love to trade. Maybe I'll even post a few. Please come back soon and visit me. Please sign my guestbook. Sign GuestbookView Guestbook
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