Welcome to Pacman's WonderPage
Lots of WoD stuff for Werewolf and Dark Ages
Campaign Historical Notes and texts

for those too lazy to look it up in
their books

Last Updated June 11th 1997
Updated Moved some files to geocities site
Still to come: Sven Olarfson' Get of Fenris Love Poems, Ulrik the Fae-Struck' legend (seulement en Francais).

You are the th user on this page since July 4th 1996.

The Dark Ages Files (Rage over Camelot and Camelot By Night)

Dark Ages Glass Walkers A look at the tribe before they had computers, complete with new gifts.
Dark Ages Salubri A look at the clan of healers.

Werewolf : The Apocalypse Files

Drug Elemental Nasty bane that saps willpower from its victims

Pack of the Silver Stars Modern Travelling Pack
Pack of the Shadow-of-the-UnicornModern Garou-Fae Pack
Pack of the Stalkers Dark Ages Fianna Pack
Rage over 17th Century France

Garou Names For those of you who just can't find the right name for your Garou
Legends of the Garou A few Fan-Written Legends of the Garou
How the Kinfolk are mixed with their Garou Brothers
Wolves A description of what they are and do.

Nippon To Senki Rage over Japan Campaign Setting

The Great Castle Umbral Realm

Crossing Ways New Gift for Silent Striders
Furies' Talons New Gift for Black Furies

Mage: The Ascension

Son of Ether Formulas Designed for/by my personnal character.
Son of Ether Tools of Exploration Designed for/by my personnal character.

Characters and Chronicles

Characters, No Frames Version A few NPCs that can be found in my Chronicles

Vampire: The Masquerade

Sofia or A Malkavian in Tzimisce Land

Werewolf: The Apocalypse

Armand de Lausieres, Vicomte de St-Meron The tale of a young CoG No Moon out to conquer 17th Century France
Pack of the Silver Star's Adventures written by Ramses, the Alpha

Storyteller Assistants and Helps

Chronicle and Story Design

Historical Texts

Thirty Year War 1618-1648 Religious conflict
Dark Ages The Dark Ages : description and information

Non-WhiteWolf Gaming aids

Non-WhiteWolf Page includes pages with gaming aids for Palladium RPGs, Marvel, Warhammer, etc...still in devellopment


Check these PAGES as well

Mata Ne !

For those of you not familiar with Urusai Yatsura by Rumiko Takahashi, the above drawing is Moroboshi Ataru, The central caracter and the background is Lum-chan(the background girl), the alien who believes Ataru asked to marry her.