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An International Church for the English-speaking Community
Welcome to our website, with information regarding our church and life in Paris. This page contains our Church Mission Statement, Who We Are, and What We Do. 

Please sign our guestbook to let us know you have visited. 

  • Church Mission Statement

  • To seek to know God, 
    To seek to grow in likeness to Jesus Christ, and 
    To show his love in our homes, in our communities and in the world. 

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  • Who We Are:  

  • Established in 1963, Emmanuel Baptist Church has been a place of worship for the English speaking community of Paris for over thirty years. Located in the western suburbs of the city, Emmanuel is easily reached by car or public transport. 

    We are affiliated with the European Baptist Convention, but our congregation includes people from a variety of denominational and religious backgrounds. We are a multi-ethnic and multi-national fellowship. All are welcome to worship, work, and witness with us. 

    Pastor Scott Stearman is an American who has served churches in Athens, Greece, New York City, and in his home state of Oklahoma. He holds a B.A. from Oklahoma Baptist University, a Master of Divinity from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and a Master of Theology in philosophy from Princeton Theological Seminary. He is a candidate for a Ph.D. in ancient philosophy at the University of Oklahoma. 


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  • What We Do: 

  • A Ministry of Worship - The heart of our church is the Sunday morning worship service. The preaching seeks to expose the relevance of ancient biblical texts to modern day life. The worship is composed of hymns and choruses which involves the "head and the heart". Emmanuel strives to maintain its warm and caring fellowship. Our focus is on Christ who gives us unity within our rich congregational diversity. 
    We have worship services every Sunday morning at 9:45 and 11:00 a.m. Sunday School runs concurrent with the first service and children's church with the second service. There is a nursery for babies, starting at 9:30 a.m. Eglise Emmanuel is a worship service in French every Sunday evening at 6:30 p.m. led by Associate Pastor Kwasi Gyan. 

    A Ministry of Teaching - In addition to Sunday School, Emmanuel has recently established regional Home Fellowships in the western area of Paris. To find one near you, please call the church office. There is also a Women's Bible Study with child-care offered on a weekly basis. 

    A Ministry to Youth - Currently led by Youth Pastor David Baamonde. The youth ministry seeks to establish activities and Bible studies for youth ages 11 through 18. The Bible studies meet on a weekly basis and there are annual activities such as a summer camp in Switzerland, and a Spring ski retreat. 

    A Ministry to Young Adults - On Thursday evenings the "20 Something" age group meets for food, fun, fellowship, and Bible study. 

    A Ministry of Fellowship - Periodically the church hosts a church wide "pot-luck" meal for the entire family after the Sunday service. Once a month we have F.A.N. club (Fellowship for Adults Night). Generally on the first Saturday of the month there is a Men's Prayer Breakfast at 8:30 a.m. 

    A Worldwide Missions Ministry - Emmanuel gives over 15% of its budget to missions work. We are involved in supporting a work in St. Petersburg Russia, as well as other ministries through the French Baptist Federation and the European Bapitst Convention.  For information on supporting Emmanuel see this page.  For our "French Connection" see this page. 


Copyright © 2000 Emmanuel Baptist Church - Paris
Last modified: June 8, 2000