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 Since I began my page on June 01,1997
Thank you Nam-Vets for this award
I am proud to introduce
Love Laughter and Tears
1st Edition Book of Poetry
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My Book of Poetry 1... By Marie Adelina Nunes
Our Lady of Fatima
our Blessed Mother appeared to three shepherd
children near Fatima, Portugal, in 1917
She warned men that if they did not amend their
lives, God would be forced to punish them by
means of wars and other sufferings.
Her message that men “must amend their
lives and ask forgiveness for their sins,”
that they “offend the Lord God no more, for
He is already much offended” her message
was meant for all of us, whether we are
religious or lay.
Blessed Mother
Please Pray for me
I wrote this poem the day after I was so badly beaten
I hope it will change the life of someone who reads it
and finds the courage to leave their abusers
Red Roes on my Special day
I received red roses today, it must be a very special day.
We had an argument last night and he slapped me hard,
My face is swollen and my eyes are red from crying,
but I know he must love me, and I know he must be sorry,
because he sent me such beautiful red roses today.
I received red roses today it must be a very special day.
He came home drunk again last night, he argued about dinner,
He pushed me to the floor, it hurt and my body is bruised,
but I know he must love me, and I know he must be sorry
because he sent me such beautiful red roses today.
I received red roses today, it must be a very special day.
The beatings are worse, he hits me everyday, I am so afraid
What shall I do? How will I live? no one will want me.
I know he must love me, I know he must be sorry,
because he sent me such beautiful red roses today.
I received red roses today, this is my very special day.
He beat me again last night,I had no more strength to fight
Maybe I should have left him, maybe I wasn't good enough
But I have found peace, I am not hurting today,
This must be my very special day,
or He wouldn't have sent me such beautiful red roses today
I miss my babies!
Author's Note:
There by the grace of God go I
Although my life is so uncertain
and I struggle each day, I know in my heart
that love is not supposed to hurt me.
I know I am safe and I know I am happy that he
will never have to send me red roses today.
It takes great strength and faith to move away
from abusers, because we become co-dependand on them
and view ourselves as victims and as we all know
in many instances victims feel they have no rights.
I want to share with you the dire consequences
and the satisfying victory of my decision to
leave my abusive situatation and how I over-came
the fear to finally be able to stop being a victim
It wasn't easy for me and it took 5 years of hurt for
me to finally be able to say no to abuse and to know
that I am worthy and do not have to settle for less.
Although it may be very difficult for a while as it
was for me, the end result is worth it and surely
better than the reddest roses on a silent grave.
I took the section off my page once, but because of
the responses I received and the many who email me,
finding themselves trapped in abusive relationships.
I have re-added the link below in the hopes of showing
that freedom can be achieved from disparity.
Never compromise your spirit, dignity, and individuality
for anyone. Fight to be safe and free from oppression, no
matter what it takes. I fought back and won my freedom.
Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet.
Only through experience of trial and suffering
can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired,
and success achieved.
~Helen Keller~
Far away, there in the sunshine, are my highest
aspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look
up and see their beauty, believe in them, and
try to follow where they lead.
~Louisa May Alcott
by Marie SchneiderShue Copyright © 1997-2007
Click on picture to read about
the statue's origin

Infant of Prague
My Patron Saint
As a child I was placed in an iron lung, a tiny
statue of the Infant of Prague was set above my head
by a nurse, it was to Him that I spoke during
many lonely hours as I laid there motionless day after
day. I truly believe the Infant Jesus made a miracle
in my childhood and granted me the wish to walk.
He was and has remained my best friend through
the years and has granted me many blessings.
My sincere thanks to
Ben Lytz
The Baron of the Cross and Crossier
for this award
Accepted 7/1/03
Thank you to:
International Society of Amateur Writers
for this Award
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Sweetdreams' Love, Laughter and Tears
A lost friend always Remembered
Troy Buckman
of Kenei Alaska
if you see this please contact me !

Email me here or send
your comments in the space below
I am honored to have you
stop by to visit with me.
I hope you will take just a few
extra moments to sign my guest book
I want to thank you for the many emails
I receive each day with such positive
words of encouragement and support. It is
because of wonderful folks such as yourself
that make my efforts so rewarding,
God Bless you all!
Put html forms on your website.
Thank you for your support.
© 1996-2002
Library of Congress copyright belongs to
Marie A. Schneider /AKA Sweetdreams
copyright law provides that work may NOT be used without written permission of the author.
I am flattered to see my work being used on the net,
however,I have put alot of work into my pages and
would expect the curtesy of being credited for it.
Thank you.
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