New Beginnings

Hello. Welcome to my little edge of the world.

Everyday somebody, someplace faces a new beginning.
For life, in itself, is a starting point.
Just as everything in this world changes, so must we.
Starting over is not just a choice, it is a way of life.
It is one of the many essentials of survival.

This is as good a time as any to stand and face the world,
to look out over all you have done, all you are doing now
and all you ever will do and pronounce your existance.

Proudly face the new day with the inevitable sense of change.
Take charge of your life and begin your quest for freedom.
Let this day bring forth for you a new beginning.

I have maintained this page for quite some time now.
In that time, I have met many wonderful people.
Every one of them, both online and in person, has changed
some aspect of the way I view the world around me.

I firmly believe that all people deserve respect.
I am also a very forgiving person. For this reason,
I have seen many difficult relationships. In most
of these situations, I have ended up on the losing end.

Although I am not proud of many things I have done in the
past, I look upon every event as a learning experience,
a turning point and a Whole New Beginning.

So, if you would like to learn more about my outlook on
life and the events which contributed to who I am, then
please take a deep breath and enter into my little world.
Enter into
The Beginning

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