IsAaC's NeTpAgE
hello my name is Isaac Valle. I am from Defiance Oh, I thought that maybe I would practice on building a webpage to see if I am good at it or not so along the way you can learn something about my boring life! Well I am 24 years old. I am very active in sports and keeping in shape. I work at Eppi's Restraunt as a waiter. Its not a bad job to help pay the bills. I like to go out and party whenever I have the time. I have redone this homepage I dont know how many times but its always changing. email me! sometime if you think I need to do something different. I do have information about my likes and stuff like that just go and check that all out. If you are bored there are links to all weird kinds of sites that I find. I will be adding to those all the time so check it out. Also there is little things that might catch your interest, so check it out if it inlightens you for some odd reason. I want to become a webpage designer sometime in the future, so I might be attending Northwest State Community College this spring of 2003. Thats only if I have the time. You do know that there is a guestbook down south of this page and maybe you could sign it and take a whole 2 minutes of your life to leave your mark on the net! well I will tell you more stuff about me and other things other places on my webpage. !!
About ME
pictures of me
shout outs to friends
quotes of the week
for the men
for the women

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