My Current Resume':
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I have a
"Do what it takes to get the job done, and done right" type of attitude.

I have very strong work ethics, and I take pride in my work,
and am loyal to my co-workers and company.

I strive on setting company objectives to be
so as to not be stuck in the
"Reactive" mode.

I enjoy and thrive working with all levels of management and departments.
I can assist  in processes, enhancements, and projects to improve both qualitative and quantitative results.

I believe in settting the "Bar" high,
and at the same time make the reach attainable.

I live my personal and business life believing in the best of people
until proven otherwise.
I'm  not a follower, I make my own opinion of a person from my own experience, not others.

I love life, and believe family is the most important entity in one's life.
I beleive,
"Give respect and in return you will receive respect".
Whatever you do
"Never burn your bridges"!!!

To Terush's Professional Homepage!
Reference Letter #1:
Reference Letter #2: