11/09/05:WOW Haven't really updated the site till now again I just changed the way of the lettering and as well the pix in my gallery and my edit work..I am going to change as well the Questions and Answers as well the old one will still remain..some of the will go..Soo if I have time tomorrow I will place them then..

04/01/05:I have placed my Gallery back up as well with mew pictures. Nothing new wit the QnA, No one has asked me any questions. Another thing I added as you could see a new layout of pictures.I no longer go out with the girl who I placed on my site soo I took down everything about her down as well the pix. Hope you enjoy the small changes and hope to hear from ya with questions.

12/05/04:Today I added the new Pix of Me(Angel) and My Baby girl(PoiZon)and as well I added my pix I have edit only of me and my girl hope ya like what I did..

12/04/04:Well I updated mad sh*t I added Questions and Answers for My girl, I fixed all the letters to Evanescence adding new pix soon like tomorrow soon.

10/12/04:Yoooo no big updates just changed my mind on a few questions sooo I added the new answers and stuff..I will post new pix soon from when I went to paintball yeah baby anyway..any questions you have ask away

06/24/04:Well I took off the pix I had now I added some new ones today soo feel free to look around and pls come again

06/08/04:Well the only thing I added today was a new poem I hope ya like it sorry for no BIG up date.

06/07/04:Well I really have no updates I just want to let ya know about my pix being taken down to add new ones soo if you wish to have the pix save them now laters

05/01/04:I added my Favorite site on to me page I hope u people enjoy them as more as then I did...later my peoples..

04/22/04:One small lil update I added a new question...that is all

04/21/04:Soo lets see I added 4 new pix and added 2 poems of a friend of mines and that about it hope u enjoy and hope u come back soo again..laters

03/29/04:Hello my peoples I am glad that you have found your way back to me site I am so happy it make me wanna cry (lol) oh k let me just give you the update and the only updtae is 11 new Questions and of course with there answers.. thank u keep up with the questions and I will keep answering them.Love ya all and hope to see u again soon and I do mean soon like TOMORROW SOON lol just playing with ya..

03/24/04:Ohhh k I took off the pictures I had and now I have added some different pictures which I took today and hope like what you see. I will keep working on new stuff when I think of stuff...see you again SOON

03/17/04:I added just some new quesions and answers thats about it I am going to add some pix around soon...

12/08/03:Well I just added some new buttons I made that about it I have been busy and stuff I am having some problems right now but I will see how soon I could get new stuff up.

11/30/03: I deleted a Poem, a Thought and two Questions and Answers..It seem to have been bother some people. But anyway nothing new was added sorry.

11/12/03: New pictures added to my gallery of me, my sister and my nephews hope you like enjoy.

11/09/03: My new updates are I fixed my thoughts and my friends thoughts into one path and I named it "The Thoughts Of Good & Evil".