Perkies Poetry Palace

I will be displaying poetry that I have written,
over the years and some by close friends.
I hope you enjoy this page and return often.
New favorites will be added!!!
Pleeeeeeeez note that my page is copyrighted,
enjoy my poems and leave them for others !!!!
Thanxs !!!!

~~ Dreams ~~

When the moonlight glows on a gorgeous sea
A princess dreams...of her prince to be.
After the sun's last light and before the sun's first dawn.
They soar together entranced in their own.
Locked in a dream that is hers alone.

~~ The Girl ~~

She came to night as I sat alone,
the girl I used to be....
She gazed at me with her earnest eye,
and questioned reproachfully.
Have you forgotten the many plans,
and hopes I had for you?
The great career, the splendid fame,
all the wonderful things to do?
Where is the mansion of stately height,
with all of it's gardens rare?
The silken robes that I dreamed for you,
and the jewels in your hair?
As she spoke, I was very sad,
for I wanted her pleased with me.
So gently rising, I took her hand,
and guided her down the stairs.
Where peacefully sleeping my babies lay,
innocent, sweet and fair.
I told her that these are my only gems,
and precious they are to me.
That silken robe is my motherhood,
of costly simplicity.
My mansion of stately height is luv,
the only career I know.
Is serving each day in these sheltered walls,
for the dear ones that come and go.
As I spoke to my shadowy guest,
she smiled through her tears at me.
And I saw the woman I am now....
pleased the girl I used to be.

~~ For Kim's Poem ~~

The words flow and for a time,
they place a picture within my mind.
The picture shines and always glistens,
with a sheen of dream like crispness.
The words not mine but mine to read,
splash pictures when they're set free.
I try to capture all that's said,
in little snippets in my head.
But...even tho it's pure and clean,
the pictures just can't be seen.
I read again the flowing poem,
and catch again it's crystal roam.
Again to lose it all too quick, and see it's just a trick.
The words have caught a glistening dream,
that shelter pictures in a crystal stream.
Written by.... my good ~ friend Bob....7/98

~~ Memories ~~

Dolls of long ago have all been
placed upon the shelves.
Mirrors in my mind reflect
the changes in myself.
Animals that once were so real
sit lifeless on the chairs.
No more more hugs
just clear and empty stares.
Memories are all that's left of
shovel sand~box days....
Party dresses and mud pie messes
and other childish ways.
Broken crayons, bits and pieces
used by first~grade artists.
Remembering to stay within the lines
was always the hardest.
Boys were creeps that pulled your hair
and called you nasty names. they've changed and all insist
on playing different games.
No more ribbons tied in bows
no more frilly~pinafores.
Things have changed and nothing
is the way it was before.
Now the young boys begin
to grow up.
And your childhood memories
become your past.
It seems so very strange
cuz it left you just so fast.
Deep inside a littl' girl remains
and oh how I wish I could
bring her back...
just once again.

~~ Enchanting Song ~~

Deep within the castle walls,
Where few are able to inscribe.
This is a fantasy relm,
a land of magical scenes.
With a princess at the helm,
guiding us thru her dreams.
While a pegasus is prancing,
within the deceiving mist.
A dragon is dancing,
in a world of dreams and myths.
The prince has arrived,
they are together at last.
Two hands of friendship...
Two hearts of knowledge.
One Enchanting Song.

~~ Take Time ~~

Take time to talk,
For you may ask of all things unknown.
Take time to laugh,
For smiles relingish sorrows and spreads happiness.
Take time to listen,
For you may learn from the words of the wise.
Take time to think,
For the realm of knowledge is never ending.
Take time to look,
For there is beauty in all parts of the world.
Take time to feel,
For the emotions often control reasoning.
Take time to live,
For each day is filled with new opportunities.
Take time to dream,
For survival is forever challenging your imagination.
Take time to love,
For the sharing of all these things...
Is the miracle of life.

~~ He Spoke To Me ~~

He spoke to me of Golden Days...
When paychecks were small,
and warm meant sitting by a pot~belly stove.
When days passed slowly and nites were dark,
and people were friends to all.

He spoke to me of Sunny Days...
When he found sea~shells and star~fish,
along with sand~castles and their flags.
When the beach was not oily and grimy,
but breathe takenly beautiful.

He spoke to me of Rainy Days...
When he would jump in puddles and catch a cold.
Of eating chicken soup in warm bowls.
When relaxing was listening
to the rain hit the roof.

He spoke to of Magical Days...
When falling in luv was something special.
Of walking hand in hand along the beach.
When a kiss at the door meant,
Good~nite not Good~bye.

He also spoke these words to me...
" Nothing has to last forever and Nothing ever will "
Of all the things he spoke,
This was the most truthful.
I will cherish these words.

~~ Rememberin' ~~

I remember the past,
and the vision of youth.
I remember knowin',
what I thought was the truth.
There was ne'er a doubt,
or a reason to fear.
Everythin' then,
was perfectly clear.
It was all so simple,
back in those days.
Doin' what we were told,
and mendin' our ways.
The memories of youth,
shall forever last.
So, now I am selectin',
what I want from the past.
Since time a way,
of distortin' the view.
The past that I choose,
is fadin' from my mind.
Like a slow burnin' ember.

~~ The Princess ~~

The innocent dreams of a child
Fancy dresses adorned with
Pearls, satin and lace.
Watchin' wide eyed awestruck
Hopin' for her day to come.

Adolescent worries, frettin'
The first dance approaches
Wantin' to be with someone
Out on the dance floor ~ but yet
Too shy to ask, she waits alone.

Graduation rapidly comin', the last dance is here
Exquisite ball gowns, dressed in all her splendor
The music swells to a cresendo
Then ends ~ yet the fantasy liv's on...
The fairy tale has come true.

The journey Continues....Select your destination








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~~ This site opened in 1998 ~~

~~ Updated....April 15, 2008 ~~


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