The main function of the Carlisle Music Centre is to provide opportunities for musicians of all ages and abilities to make music with others.
For a very reasonable membership fee, musicians join the centre and attend the activities relevant to their interests and abilities. New members may attend for three weeks before making any payment, so they can discover for themselves the fun, new friends and personal fulfilment that making music (with expert tuition) can bring.
The Music Centre also :-
- Can provide a venue for meetings, workshops, seminars, rehearsals and private concerts at a
very reasonable rate (see Building/Music hire)
- Hires out
Wind Band
Brass Band and
Choir music for a small fee (subject to availability)
- Hires out orchestral percussion instruments for a small fee (subject to availability and conditions)
- Deals with enquiries from the public on all aspects of music tuition
- Is a popular venue for Graded Music Examinations
- Keeps a register of instrumental teachers
- Has a quantity of
music for sale
For further information contact:-
/Tom Howe/Sue Austen
Carlisle Music Centre
Howe Street
Tel. 01228 259687
email: cmc@carmus.u-net.com
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