The Official Goober Adoption Agency

A Window into Fantasy: Art Galleries

And the Winner is...

Links, Everybody's Got 'Em

The Silver Menagerie

Poetry Corner

My Diamond Webrings

Winamp Skins

    Donnelaith: A Break from Reality

    Hello, my name is Kitti.*s* Some know me as Emaleth or Silver Nightingale, even fewer still know me as Stephanie. I have created this page in order to share my poetry, drawings, winamp skins, adopted pets, and more! Thanks and enjoy.*s*

    ~~~UPDATES~~~ All right, I finally have the The Official Goober Adoption Agency up and running. I'm sorry for the long delay! I also added a link to a voting site, so if ya like the goobers please vote for me!
    Also, I've tweaked the Silver Menagerie for faster downloading and updated some of the links on it.
    And last but not least, I updated the links on the Links, Everybody's Got 'Em to reflect the sites which still exsist.

    ***COMING SOON*** Who knows?*lol*

    The Official Goober Adoption Agency | A Window into Fantasy: Art Galleries |
    And the Winner is...: Awards | Links, Everybody's Got 'Em | The Silver Menagerie |
    Poetry Corner | My Diamond Webrings | Winamp Skins

    My current personality is feeling:The current mood of at

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