Beta Version 1
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Our Tribe Like Heaven !!!

Now RE-ORG (2006 Jun)

Team Member .......


Tribe Event
Comming Soon



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Hi guys, first thanks for your supports and loyalty shown to our tribe. Keep all your hard work on and dedicate all you can for tribe and members.

I guess all of you would like to see an impressive management and plans in this tribe, i could roughly tell you guys that some developments and future movement of tribe is in progress and will further release to members as soon as we work everything out.

Now the first changes will come to the tribe name. Through the whole night discussion between our Duke(code3) and Barons, we decided to change the tribe name and we need all of you get involve to decide the desired name. Here come some names run through our mind, vote for it by reply with the name. If you find those names aren't the best, please EMAIL Duke and Barons with the name, then we will add it inside the voting list (Do Not Suggest The Name In Here, Please Make Use Of Email System In This Game :))

Tribe's Name List
Heaven And Earth (HaE)
2. X-Republics
† Forsaken Empire † (FE)

Please start your voting now, vote session will end at 08/06/06 12.00am (Malaysia Time). One thing to remind is keep yourself browse our tribe forum regularly to get updated as few more plans will be carry out soon. Lastly, enjoy this game as the 5 days protection period will be over few hours from now( it just for those who starting this game in early stage)



Copyleft code3 R2D2

Lovely Team
Mamalia , Team Work , Family , No Body Will Leave Behind !

Impressive Management
Clever , Smart , Agility Bright Future !

Lovely Earth
One Nation , One Rules , One Family  Brand New World !