Wyera's Den of Iniquity

Welcome to my world. It's sometimes strange, surreal or just plain fun.


My current names on the internet are numerous and varied. I change them as often as I change my mind. I currently most often go by Wyera. Further down this page you will find more information about me, my habits, likes, dislikes, religious views, books, cats, etc. And you can vote for me HERE


I am Gemini. I was born in the Chinese Year of the Rabbit and my birthstone is Emerald.

For what it's worth, I like the Occult/Wiccan/Pagan realm of life. And for all of you who persist in thinking we sacrifice small children and animals, practicing Wicca/Druidism does not brand me a devil worshipper, in fact it does the opposite. It does label me a lover of life and love, as well as a protector of the Earth and everything and everyone she holds dear. I enjoy the use of my tarot cards and Rune Stones (though I rarely use the stones now). I have unusual beliefs about the general purpose of our world and even our existence. I also love to read just about anything and everything I can get my hands on. Some of my favourites include authors such as Douglas Adams, Anne Perry, Dennis McKiernan, Nora Roberts, Linda Lael Miller, Anne McCaffrey and Mercedes Lackey.

Ok, the long awaited picture of me is here. Look if you'd like to. It's a somewhat current, mostly over glamatized picture of me, but it is me. I can also be seen here. This is more like me really. Of course, I just got my hair cut short, so now I'll have to change the picture again. A slightly different view of me can be had from here. Hope you like looking at 'em. And just for my Zarbalicious, if you click here I'll run my own wishlist to keep you full of ideas for stuff for packages for me. I also decide to load up some of my poetry. Please feel free to enjoy it, I'd love to hear back from you about it.


And now the list of friends.

Actually, I think I'll just take you to a page that will give you the option of picking who you want to know more about. As one minor exception, if you go to this link, you'll meet two of my best friends who've decided to hook up. (Could be a wedding soon) Go see my cats! That's an order Mister. They're cute, adorable, annoying, whiney and cuddly. I have started keeping an online album of where I've been in the world. If you head over here, you can see said recent trips and brief descriptions to go with them.


For links I've found interesting, click and follow them yourself. It's more fun that way.


Please feel free to
email me whenever you want.

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