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Welcome to Babe's
Romance, Poetry, and Art.
Welcome!   Romance, poetry, art, and nature, that's me.  Take a look around and have a peek into my heart and soul and you shall surely see.  So, please take a look and enjoy yourself.  I add new material regularly to keep my site fresh, so check back often!
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Food For Thought
A memory is but a love gone awaste.
Love is forever shortened.
A heart is but meant to break.
Life is most spent analyzing all of the above.
Loving You
The sun beating on the desert sand;
THis is how much I love you.
For each stream of sunlight that hits each grain of of sand;
This is how much I miss you.
As A frightened child wrapped in it's mother's arm;
This is how much I need you.
For how many tears it would take to make up all the earth's seas;
This is how many tears I have shead over you.
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My Living Legacy
No one can live forever,
though many have searched for immortality.
We all want to be remembered,
to leave our mark, our legacy.

Some try to do it by changing the world,
or ruling it, or trying to set it free.
Others try through
painting, music, or poetry.

But, you see I've found my mark on the world,
it's better than all the rest.
And I can feel it moving, growing,
deep inside my breast.
Child Of Silence, Child Of Storm
I watch her as she sleeps
So content
So silent
Oh --what a beauty
quiet in the storm.
I brought her here
to share my life
my loving princess
my precious child
Have I the right
to bring her here
to give her life
to leave her
to resolve all our wrongs
to leave her
to carry on
all my fears
When I am gone
Nowhere to the silence
And -- she is left
without me
Life is a flower in a garden.
I am just a daisy among roses.
Love is just a weed, in the teared
eye of one who has truly felt it.
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Love is like the fires of Hell,
   Yet I would rather be burned
By the fires of Hell
   Then scorned by Love.