The Lady Minsparkle's Page
((Nichole Soltys- October 7, 1984 - May 10, 1998)
In case you haven't geussed it, This page is dedicated to my lovely wife and Gf, the Lady Minsparkle.. She resides with me in my mansion On AOL and in my heart... And her real name is Nikki.. :) This page is dedicated to her because she deserves to have a page made about her... And here it is... The is to you My Lady Minsparkle.... :)
To start off with, She is 4'11" and very cute. She has shouler length brown hair and green eyes. her face is like an angels. She is also very beautiful and has a great outgoing personality. She is a very strong minded person and a very nice one.. She's a little stubborn at times, but i still love her always! she is in High School..She plays soccer for her Varsity School team and is exceptionally good. So good that i think she will be famous some day.. :) She likes to cook, go watch movies and hang out with her friends and cousin. She designs webpages and tries to make it through that wasteland of agony we call High School. She is a big Sailor Moon and Pokemon fan.. She also loves Robotech and Anime in general. She loves Candy and absolutely loves Pepsi. She also likes to eat japanese food like Oolongs.. me, i still have to try them... :) She also likes to get presents and kisses.. especially from me... : )
She is a very strong minded girl
and has a awesome personality. She is
very loyal to her friends
and is very nice and sweet. She will stand up for her
friends and stay with them till the end.. :) She knows the true
value of friendship and is loyal always. She can be stubborn
and mean at times, but i still love her anyway.. :) She's
my perfect dream girl and a great compliment to my own personality... :)
She's like a beautiful angel sent from above and i am so happy and honored
to be her man.. :)
So i geuss you can say I love her
with all my heart. And she loves me the same back. I am honored to be her
man and love her very dearly.. she's the most important thing to me in
this world and i would do anything for her.. even give up my
life... :) And i will ber her friend and defend her
always... :) Even though i see her ever so often.. she still holds
a place in my heart and i hope i can continue ot be the man she loves.. So
to sum it up... She is the girl of my dreams and i love her very
much... :) And if anyone messes with her and hurt her.. They will have Lord
Khyron to deal with... :) I love you Nikki and this page is for you!!!!!!!!!
Her favorite cartoons are Pokemon and Sailor Moon.. she loves those cute little furry animals and loves to watch Sailor Moon. She also likes other Japanimation like Robotech... If you look closely enough you willl see a Pokemon or two and maybe even a Sailor Scout! Her favorite scout Jupiter is also here! there are also Robotech Pictures... :)
Khy Juniors page
The Lady Minsparkle Character Image Gallery
Why I love her :)