Welcome To My Piano Page |
Page last updated 050105 |
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On this web site: you will find some links to other web sites that contain piano related games and programs. All of these are free ware or shareware. I also offer my (humble) opinion of what is offered on that web site. |
Not comfortable with downloading things off the internet? I recomend an anti -virus program which is also free. www.free.grisoft.com/freeweb.php |
HAPPY NOTE! TREBLE & BASS This is a page where you can download a free game for learning notes in the middle C position. Also available, was a "registered" part of the program. I'm trying to help out with no additional cost to you, but if you wanted to register, the cost is $24.95. This additional cost would give you the ability to add more than the Middle C position notes. My overview on the program: There are 3 speeds (slow, med. & fast - but given in Musical terms of Adagio, Moderato and Allegro). You may choose start as a beginner or expert. You may also choose to have 1, 2 or 3 notes at a time/ in a row. The student must name the note by clicking the arrow keys (up or down) to the correct note name, then shoot the note name at the note as to travels across the staff (shooting gallery style). When I put the settings on Expert & 3 notes, I had problems shooting the correct note with the correct letter names, they really move fast! Hitting the wrong note with the wrong letter name costs you a "life", but you get a flashing praise (HOORAY!) once you reach 1000 points. |
HAPPY NOTE! NOTE CRACKER Rest & note values is the lesson here. The student must be able to read for this game. This is a "pong" type of "break away" program. Launch a ball and keep it in the air with the help of an elephant. Break away all the rests (clear the board) and progress to the next level. Once the ball strikes a rest, it changes into a note of the same value. Four levels consist of whole, half, quarter and eighth notes. There are 4 speeds given in Musical terms of Adagio, Moderato, Allegro & Presto. My overview on the program: Cute! Extremely basic. I can see a student playing the game for the "break away" idea, instead of the Musical learning tool. My kids caught on to "what to do" without knowing anything about music, or learning anything at the end. |
HAPPY NOTE! NOTES IN SPACE Game for learning note duration. The student must be able to read for this game. This is similar to the old asteroid type of game. You are a ship, you control with the arrow keys. You shoot at the notes, with correct ammo (IE: you shoot a half note, with half note ammo). Shooting a whole note divides the whole note into 2 half notes, shooting a half note divides it into 2 quarter notes. There is also asteroids and comets to avoid (these features can be turned on and off). My overview on the program: Much like a "game" instead of a learning tool. Changing the ammo to half note ammo became challenging, but I wasn't sure of the educational value. You can hit the note with the wrong ammo, but this only causes the note to flash instead of split. |
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