Buzam îÏž

Urdu Poetry in urdu fonts .òúï ÚÈí› îÒÍ óÊÍ› üÍÝœÔ óÊÍ›

Well Come to this page. U need to have urdu font to view this site. Plz download the Urdu font first, then re-load this page and continue ure surfing.

(this font dwnloading and instaling will only take 2-5 min depending on ure connection speed )


Now if u can read Urdu instead of funny characters, then enjoy the site otherwise try again to download urdu font.

if u dont want to install URDU font,never mind

NOW U CAN READ ENGLISH and URDU side by side...
the whole site will take some time, meanwhile enjoy whats already there

now instead of browsing the each section u can just visit the
NEW Arrival
and look whats new has been added

And Now (urdu) Short Stories þðœÒå› has been added.

In Respect of Muharam

New book of Faiz has been Added, plz follow the
Faiz's link

Plz check the Poem on the eve of BUS-Diplomacy

How can we be friends ? ¿ þÒúé òúðž ¨ÒóÊ î¶
by Amjad Islam Amjad

Vajpaee's WellCome at Lahore


[ FAST ] [ îÏž ]

Last Revised: 13 October 1999.