Welcome to my little bit of space.
I hope you enjoy your stay.
There have many chages that have taken place to this place, but the main page. So, I figured it was about time for that to change too.
I am a stay at home mom. I am married, October 13th 2001, at 6pm. I am so happy. We dated for 3 years. We were engaged for 1 year. The wedding was so beautiful, and so special. The weather was great. It was all outdoors it was not to hot and not cold. Few hours after it was all over and cleaned up it started to rain. So, glad it waited till it was over before it started to rain.
Here are some wonderful links that I am proud to display. Just a few right now, but the list will grow. :)
Also until I finish my renivations here, this is a link to my main page. Until then this will be my main page, but if you want to see more CLICK HERE NOW...
Future place for page with wedding pics
One day I will put pictures on this site, till then it was just lovely.
Future place for baby pictures
Right now I have no pictures, but wrote a lot.
Last updated: Feb 7, 2007
If you would like to drop me a line, or comment about my page then you can do so
and enjoy your stay here at my bit of cyperspace plot.
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