Neil Jenkins' Home Page
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John Peel 1939-2004
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A Bit About Me
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My Recent Musings and Articles
Liverpool - My Home City
Boring Old Stuff ...
Very short story by me (1982)
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Very short Hotel Room Sketchby Mark Rosney (1982).
Cool External Links ...
Meet the Subserviant Chicken! NEW
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Sing the L'Armandaise!
Hi - I'm Neil Jenkins.

I signed up with GeoCities on 14 October 1998.

Thank you for coming to visit my site. I hope there is something represented in the links to the left to interest you. This site is a rough reflection of the things that interest me and the things I do (which gives you an idea of what's going on in my head most of the time!).

If you have any queries about the links or their contents, or if you simply want to get in touch with me, please feel free to e-mail me or Yahoo me!.

Lesley and Neil This is me with Lesley. Lesley sat next to me at John Peel's funeral in November. I was in such a state by the end of it that Lesley took me for a cup of tea afterwards ... and two strangers became friends.

"You're a strange and intriguing individual, Mr Jenkins."

My old school mate, James, 22 March 2005.

"I can't explain it, but something compelled me to go to a website constructed by Neil Jenkins. Normally, I ignore such impulses; however, having visited, just let me say this: If you don't drop what you're doing right now and visit this site, you are depriving yourself of the ultimate Jenkinsian experience available on this or any other web-based internet facility. The future is here, my friends, and it is Jenkins."

Joinee Doug, Join Me, 31 August 2004.