It's all oh, K.
HEY Mom HEY Dad,
Mike and I finally bought a house. I can't believe it. It feels so wonderful to be a home owner. And we do have a new addition to the family. NO it is not a blessed grandchild! We now have a four month old boxer pup named Bruce. He is a little hellion. I think he takes after his Daddy. Him and Nicolette are getting along fine. Can you believe she is almost eight years old! ? Mike and I have an anniversary coming up. It will be five years! We miss and love you all very much. Hope the air conditioning is being good to you. Come see us sometime, would you? Here is a picture of the babies.
All our love,
Mike and K.
To old friends and long lost family:
It sure has been awhile! Let me see. I went to Frederick Community College straight out of high school, taking 13 to 16 credits a semester. Got my A.A. Degree. Now I am attending UMUC. I am doing the whole distance education thing, definitely not for procrastinators! I am working full time as the Office Supervisor for Borders Books, Music, and Cafe. My boyfriend, Mike (yes the same guy from senior prom), and I just recently bought a new house and have an engagement ring on the way. I am doing absolutely wonderful and I hope you all are too.
Miss you,
Poem of the week:
Wishes and Stardust
copyright 2002
I crawl inside
your five pointy fingers
to escape my reality,
to soar through the air
without having wings.
I make a wish on you
and you take me
wherever I want to go.
My hopes and dreams,
your moonbeams
sparkling in the night,
just existing.
As I stretch out
across your hand
I realize
you are my lucky star
and I have made
the most incredible wish
of my life.