Hello peoples. Welcome to what will hopefully become my online virtual personality. For those of you here to ask about satellite service, WELCOME :) I hope to speak with you soon!
I am a product specialist for both satellite services. If I can't help you make an infomed choice, I don't know who can!
Welcome to Jim's world. These poems are what I am all about. As you read them, you might accidently get to know me. Enjoy...
And just in case you're skeptical about reading them or knowing anything about me, here ya go:
Deal with it (fall '98) I am shy and somewhat naive. I've been referred to as being sweet, nice, understanding, cute, wierd, crazy, delusional (which always makes me smile), a leader, deep, attentive, cool, crass, lazy, condescending and intelligent. So many more judgements and observations have been made about me for so many reasons that I may or may not agree with or understand, but I will certainly comment upon them if you ever ask my opinion. If you were to approach me and speak with me for any length of time, I am sure I would, unconsciously at first and possibly intently at moments, begin to penetrate and probe and manipulate that which you choose to reveal to me as your self. You might ignore me and cast me off like an insignificant member of a class of peoples whom you choose not to bless with your selfish egocentric hypocritical insecure vacant transparent self, but I probably don't care :P hehe so there!
Jim's Poems
Jim's Pics