(408) 354-9214
Ted Glauser has been active in the Los Gatos Art Association since 1991.
as awards chairman, then 1st Vice President in 1994,
president for the 1995, 1996 and 1997 terms, and liaison to the Los Gatos Museum for 1998-1999.
Ted and his family have lived in Los Gatos since 1959 with various
temporary foreign living arrangements in each decade since that time.
When away from home he finds more time to pursue artistic
interests and many of these works were painted on location. Ted retired
in 1983 and since then art has been a top priority. Ted says "I'm a
local artist.
My interest and efforts are directed toward promoting appreciation of
Fine Art in the community."
Email: patandted@prodigy.net
Phone: 520.544.6195
RED DOG - watercolor
Los Gatos Art Association 2002 Juried Membership Show
Honorable Mention
STAINED GLASS - 8 x 10 - oil
This painting was done with a palette knife. It reminds me of stained glass.
We went to Lake Tahoe for a week and I spent 3 of those days on this dock painting this wonderful tree.
DEAD RED - oil - 16 x 20
While exploring abandoned logging equipment in the north woods of California
I came upon this Southern Pacific caboose sitting on tree stumps. Couldn't resist painting it!
CYCLAMEN - watercolor 18 x 24
Cyclamen, to me, are flowers that have human personality. Love to paint them in different positions.
©2004 Ted Glauser. All rights reserved worldwide.